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- The job is one of ego management, and the most important ego to manage is your own.
- Don’t be fooled into thinking the association will last forever. Lots of organizations fold due to poor choices by the board.
- The staff have seen a lot. Respect their knowledge and experience.
- Guard your time off preciously. Remember that being President is only a small part of your much larger life.
- Being President is like being mayor of a small town. Don’t assume that everyone in town has the same opinion.
- There is no “right” way to run or organize the Association. Focus on what works.
- Sometimes the right thing to do is to do nothing. Tolerating ambiguity is a valuable leadership skill.
- Have a plan for when the ride is over.
- Human beings love to complain. It’s not about the content, it’s more about the activity. Don’t take it personally.
- If in doubt – don’t. Step back and review items 1-9.