Zen & the Art of
Effective Meetings
Some meetings can leave you feeling under water. Mastering them is a thing of beauty. The Boardroom Buddha provides the training, tips and expertise to achieve harmony with results from any group…no matter how crazy.

“David’s down-to-earth, unassuming style masks an incredibly intelligent, persuasive coach to help both structured organizations–like ours–and unstructured non profits get through tough situations and thrive.”
Walter Bacak, Executive Director
American Translators Association

Groups are a delicate balance
But the right combination makes magic. Boardroom Buddha has training to help all types of groups – from corporate boards to faith communities to groups of concerned citizens – to find the right balance and the right solutions.
Everyone has a hidden leader
Finding it is easier than you think. Boardroom Buddha has tips for leaders and followers to create a meeting space where everyone can thrive. A meeting without guidance is a mess. A meeting with it can be a miracle.